
Sonntag, 2. Mai 2010

Cataclysm: Überarbeitete Instanzen / kein Heil-Spam mehr

Guten Abend,

Blizzard hat im Forum wieder einiges geschrieben, darunter folgendes:

Q u o t e:
Not sure if this has been addressed yet but what (if anything) is happening to the dungeons in the zones that are changing? For instance, Scholomance and Stratholme will be over the level of the zone that they will be in. I suppose blizzard could just change the levels of the mobs inside the instance, but that could also be confusing and might be a piece of vanilla wow worth hanging onto.
Those dungeons (and more) will get some love. [Quelle] 

Scheinbar werden ein paar Instanzen mit Cataclysm überarbeitet. Ob sie z.B.einen Hero-Modus oder einfach einen neuen Anstrich bekommen ist jedoch noch unklar.

The big heal doesn't have to be super inefficient. It just has to take more mana than the efficient heal, but that's okay because it also heals for more. You use the big heal when it's faster than using two of the efficient heals. That only really makes it inefficient when you're overhealing a ton.
Your fast heals will be the inefficient ones, because you pay more for speed. Don't spam those, but use them when you don't have time for a long cast before damage will happen next.

If you're a druid healing a tank, you'll probably use Lifebloom, then Nourish, swapping to Healing Touch at times when the tank's health starts to dip dangerously low. You probably won't cast Healing Touch often on non-tanks, unless they're just super low for some reason (and in those situations, you may need a fast heal like Regrowth or Swiftmend to get them stable anyway). [Quelle]
We don't want druids in Cataclysm to be tabbing through the raid throwing out random Rejuvs like many druids do now. Frankly, we don't think it's that fun and we know plenty of druids agree with us.

That also doesn't mean that hots are going away. We like hots to be a big part of the druid arsenal. We just don't want them to eclipse all your other heals. It's easy to point out specific things like glyphs and set bonuses that have given Rejuv in particular so much leverage. That's fine for now, but not where we want to be in Cataclysm.

I also agree that hots risk being overpowered in an environment where they aren't overhealing constantly. In a world where players spend more time being wounded, hot ticks will be enormously important. That's okay to a point. We want you to push them. But we don't want such a large percentage of your healing to come from one spell. We don't want Rejuv to win the decision every time you're thinking about whether to cast say Nourish or Regrowth instead.

To think about it another way, druids already have a pretty different rotation when tank healing than when raid healing. What we want to do is further split out raid healing into situations where players are occasionally taking damage and situations where everyone is constantly taking damage from raid-wide auras. You should use different types of spells in those situations -- maybe WG and many Rejuvs in the latter, but more Nourishes and Regrowths thrown in there with Rejuv on the former.[Quelle] hat es mal übersetzt und zusammen gefasst:
Klassendesign-Chef Ghostcrawler äußerte sich einmal mehr zur veränderten Heilsituation in Cataclysm. Im Fokus seiner Erklärung steht dieses Mal die Dreifaltigkeit der Cataclysm-Heilzauber. So werden Priester, Paladine, Schamanen und Druiden jeweils über einen schnellen, aber manaineffizienten Zauber, einen „normalen“, effektiven Heilspruch und eine besonders mächtige Heilung verfügen. Ziel dieser Aufteilung sei der intelligente Umgang mit den bestehenden Fähigkeiten. Die ineffiziente, kleine Heilung soll Euch immer dann dienen, wenn Ihr schnellstmöglich die Wunden Eurer Mitspieler kurieren müsst. Die hohen Manakosten werden dafür Sorge tragen, dass ein gedankenloser „Spam“ der Fähigkeiten nicht möglich sein wird. Die neue, besonders große Heilung hingegen muss laut Ghostcrawler nicht zwingend manaineffizient sein, da Ihr die erhöhte Heilleistung mit einer hohen Zauberzeit erkauft. In den meisten Situationen werdet Ihr ohnehin auf Eure effiziente, „normale“ Heilung zurückgreifen. Ein wirklich guter Heiler wird sich seiner Meinung nach mit Cataclysm dadurch auszeichnen, dass er den passenden Zauber für eine Kampfsituation wählt. [Quelle]



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